
「ブログ文章術 米光一成|Excite エキサイト ブックス : 一文を短くって言うけどさ1」が話題になっている。今回のお題は、以下の文の一文を短く書いてみようというものだ。



 これが実は悪文ではなくて、太宰の引用であることは「小林?:2006.4.5」や「断片部 - 絶望中止+理由消失 - あ、そうだ。ロココ料理にしよう。」などで指摘されている。




(※finalventの日記 - ブログ文章術?とはかぶらないようにしてみた)








 Sir Joseph Banks(ジョセフ・バンクス卿)の名は、日本ではほとんど知られていないといってよいであろう。バンクスは18世紀の英国に生き、自然誌(Natural History)の基礎を築き上げた巨人ともいうべき人である。あとで述べるように、バンクスは1768年から約3年間にわたるキャプテン・クックの第1回世界探検航海に、科学班の責任者として同行したが、多数の植物標本を収集し、また写生画を作成して英国に持ち帰った。バンクスはこれらの成果を出版するべく、帰国後ただちに1万ポンドの費用を準備し、ロンドンのソーホー地区にある自宅で、植物画の完成と、その彫版(銅版)に着手した。バンクスに同行した画家の一人であるシドニー・パーキンソン(Sydney Parkinson, 1745-71)は航海中に病死したが、はじめに訪れたマディラから南アメリカ南端のフェゴ島・南太平洋のフレンドリー諸島までの植物画はほとんど完成し、その後、ソシエテ諸島以降は採集植物の数がおびただしいたためスケッチしか残せなかった。バンクスは帰国後、フレデリック・ポリドア・ノッダー(Frederic Polydore Nodder)、ジョン・クリーブリー(John Cleveley)、ヨハン・フレデリック・ミラー(Johan Frederic Miller)とその弟のジェームズ・ミラー(James Miller)、トーマス・バージス(Thomas Burgis)等に依頼して、パーキンソンのスケッチ画をもとに彼のメモや持ち帰った標本を参考に植物画を描き直させた。1777年にはパーキンソン自身の完成画も含めた483点が仕上がり、その後さらに作業がすすめられて全部で753点が完成した。

 バンクスはこれらの原画をもとに彫版を作り、新植物記載の論文とあわせて図譜を出版するつもりでいた。そのために腕のよい彫版師を探したが、当時は有名な彫版師はすでに他の仕事に忙殺されており、英国には適当な人材が見つけられなかった。そこで、オランダからゲラルド・シベリウス(Gerald Sibelius)という彫版師をロンドンに招き、その他にダニエル・マッケンジー(Daniel MacKenzie)、ガブリエル・スミス(Gabriel Smith)、チャールズ・ホワイト(Charles White)、ジョン・リー(John Lee)、フレデリック・ポリドア・ノッダー等総勢18名がこの仕事に加わった。

 こうして、植物図譜出版のための銅版は完成したが、新種植物の記載のために、論文を作成していた、植物学者ダニエル・ソランダ一(Daniel Solander)(後述)が病死したためこの方面の仕事は中断されたこと、また、バンクスは王立協会(Royal Society)の会長職をはじめとして多くの事業や仕事に忙しかったこと、そしておそらく資金も不足したことなどから、結局は出版はされないままであった。バンクスの死後、大英自然誌博物館に移管され、保存されていたこれらの銅版を使って、1900-05年にジェームズ・ブリッテン(James Britten)が「キャプテン・クックの航海中、1770年に収集されたオーストラリア産植物図譜(Australian Plants Collected in 1770 during Captain Cook's Voyage)」という著作の出版のため、ロバート・モルガン(Robert Morgan)にこれらの銅版から石版をつくらせて印刷した。

 また、1973年には、ブラント(W. Blunt)とスティアルン(T.Stearn)の監修した「キャプテン・クックの植物図譜(Captain Cook's Florilegium)」の中に、オリジナル銅版から黒単色で30点の図譜が出版されている。

 1980年から90年にかけて、大英自然誌博物館の植物部門にいるハンフリーズ(C. J. Humphries)とディメント(J. Diment)の努力により、バンクスの残した銅版から彩色の図譜か出版された。実に彫版されてから200年たってからのことである。































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˥֥åϡֿפǥե˥ʤɤγǡ Ȥѥ쥹ʤξڸƤǤޤ2005ǯ108˥塼




1件 〜 19件 (全 19件)





STEAM PRO(スチーム・プロ)













この Wilson STEAM PRO なんですが、



























 A中学 vs OS中学
      2 - 0


 A中学 vs AG中学
      2 - 0




第7組 Dコート 第一試合

中部徳洲会病院  徳島県庁(徳島)

21-09 ・ 21-10 (試合時間44分) セットカウント 2-0 で予選通過 

第13組 Gコート 第二試合

沖縄徳洲会  リコー(神奈川)

21-15 ・ 21-23 ・ 21-16 (試合時間86分) セットカウント 2-1 で予選通過












国民日報|入力2011.09.09 11:24 |修正2011.09.09 14:53 |コメントの表示

[クッキーパンパン] "韓国は、空手、剣道に続き、今度はタイのムエタイまでコピーし、自分たちのものと主張している!"


事件は、動画共有サイトYouTubeに上がった"韓国のキックボクシング​​、キョクトギドキュメンタリー(Korean Kickboxing Kyuktooki documentary)"というタイトルの動画で始まった。動画は武術専門図書・DVD制作販売業者である"タートルプレス"は、"韓国のキックボクシング​​:キョクトギ(Korean Kickboxing:Kyuktooki)"というタイトルで、2005年11月から販売を開始したDVDのサンプルだ。


cursor='hand'" />






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FreeBSD のインストール (9.x 以降の場合)
再構成、部分的に書き直し: Jim Mock.







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%PDF-1.2 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 4 0 obj > endobj 5 0 obj >> /Descent -241 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 450 /StemV 69 /Type /FontDescriptor /CapHeight 709 /FontBBox [-170 -331 1024 903] /FontName /Ryumin-Light>> endobj 6 0 obj >] /Type /Font /Encoding /EUC-H /BaseFont /Ryumin-Light-EUC-H /Subtype /Type0 /Name /F2>> endobj 7 0 obj > endobj 8 0 obj >> /Descent -271 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 553 /StemV 99 /Type /FontDescriptor /CapHeight 737 /FontBBox [-174 -268 1001 944] /FontName /GothicBBB-Medium>> endobj 9 0 obj >] /Type /Font /Encoding /EUC-H /BaseFont /GothicBBB-Medium-EUC-H /Subtype /Type0 /Name /F4>> endobj 10 0 obj > stream q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 756.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 756.4375 Td [-250 (RoboCup Soccer Humanoid League Rules and Setup) ] TJ ET Q 99.875 722.5 m 99.875 722.5 107.625 10.5 re n 99.875 722.5 m 207.5 722.5 l S q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 723.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 723.8125 Td [(2010) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120.875 723.8125 Td [-250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 207.5 723.8125 Td [( ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 210.125 723.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 711.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 711.3125 Td [(Ver.100429b) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 685.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 652.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 652.8125 Td [(1.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 640.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 640.3125 Td [(2.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 627.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 627.8125 Td [(3.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 615.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 615.3125 Td [(4.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 602.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 602.8125 Td [(5.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 590.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 590.3125 Td [(6.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 577.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 577.8125 Td [(7.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 565.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 565.3125 Td [(8.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 552.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 552.8125 Td [(9.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 540.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 540.3125 Td [(10.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 527.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 527.8125 Td [(11.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 515.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 515.3125 Td [(12.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 502.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 502.8125 Td [(13.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 490.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 490.3125 Td [(14.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 477.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 477.8125 Td [(15.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 465.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 465.3125 Td [(16.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 452.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 452.8125 Td [(17.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 440.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 440.3125 Td [(18.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 427.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 427.8125 Td [(19.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 415.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 415.3125 Td [(20.) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 389.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 356.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 162.875 356.8125 Td [( RoboCupSoccer Humanoid League ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 317.435 356.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 346.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 318.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 257.375 318.3125 Td [-250 (FIFA ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 285.3785 318.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 307.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 297.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 226 297.3125 Td [( ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 228.625 297.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 269.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 269.3125 Td [(Humanoid League ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 180.3575 269.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 258.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 248.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 237.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 211.9375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 179.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 168.8125 Td [(KidSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 136.456 168.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 146.956 168.8125 Td [(TeenSize) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 186.0265 168.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 196.5265 168.8125 Td [( AdultSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 243.7765 168.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 158.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 132.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 132.4375 Td [( ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 76.309 132.4375 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 99.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 89.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 9 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 294.998 36 Td [(1) ] TJ ET Q Q endstream endobj 11 0 obj > /ProcSet [/PDF /Text]>> /Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] /Annots [186 0 R] /Parent 1 0 R>> endobj 12 0 obj > endobj 13 0 obj > endobj 14 0 obj >> endobj 15 0 obj >> endobj 16 0 obj >> endobj 17 0 obj >> endobj 18 0 obj > stream q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 733.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 733.4375 Td [-250 (1. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 93.111 733.4375 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 700.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 131.375 700.8125 Td [( Fig. 1 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 161.132 700.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 690.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 620.5625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 620.5625 Td [-250 (1.1 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 620.5625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 588.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 351.875 588.3125 Td [( 5cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 375.206 588.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 438.206 588.3125 Td [( 10cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 466.787 588.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 577.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 567.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 556.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 546.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 535.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 512.5625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 512.5625 Td [-250 (1.2 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 512.5625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 480.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 469.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 459.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 448.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 194.5 448.8125 Td [(KidSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 230.956 448.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 314.956 448.8125 Td [( 80cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 343.537 448.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 438.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 373 438.3125 Td [(Fig. 2 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 400.132 438.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 421.132 438.3125 Td [-250 (\)) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 427.2535 438.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 448.2535 438.3125 Td [(TeenSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 489.949 438.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 427.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 110.5 427.8125 Td [( AdultSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 157.75 427.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 294.25 427.8125 Td [( 180cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 328.081 427.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 433.081 427.8125 Td [( 120cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 466.912 427.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 417.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 268 417.3125 Td [( 10cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 296.581 417.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 363.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 363.0625 Td [-250 (1.3 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 363.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 330.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 320.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 289 320.3125 Td [( 10cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 317.581 320.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 380.581 320.3125 Td [( 15cm ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 409.162 320.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 309.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 299.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 245.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 245.0625 Td [-250 (1.4 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 245.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 212.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 202.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 179.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 179.0625 Td [-250 (1.5 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 179.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 146.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 136.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 125.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 115.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 121 115.3125 Td [( ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 123.625 115.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 104.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 9 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 294.998 36 Td [(2) ] TJ ET Q Q endstream endobj 19 0 obj > /ProcSet [/PDF /Text]>> /Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] /Parent 1 0 R>> endobj 20 0 obj >> endobj 21 0 obj >> endobj 22 0 obj >> endobj 23 0 obj >> endobj 24 0 obj >> endobj 25 0 obj >> endobj 26 0 obj > stream q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 756.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 756.4375 Td [-250 (2. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 93.111 756.4375 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 723.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 711.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 711.3125 Td [(1. KidSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 166.831 711.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 698.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 698.8125 Td [(2. TeenSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 172.0705 698.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 214.0705 698.8125 Td [(AdultSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 258.6955 698.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 688.3125 Td [(18cm, 294g) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 169.581 688.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 631.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 631.4375 Td [-250 (3. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 93.111 631.4375 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 598.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 383.375 598.8125 Td [-250 (KidSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 422.456 598.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 588.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 173.5 588.3125 Td [(TeenSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 215.1955 588.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 577.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 567.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 544.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 544.0625 Td [-250 (3.1 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 544.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 511.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 501.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 490.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 480.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 469.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 459.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 448.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 194.5 448.8125 Td [( 3.3 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 212.875 448.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 425.5625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 425.5625 Td [-250 (3.2 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 425.5625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 393.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 382.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 372.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 361.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 351.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 340.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 317.5625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 317.5625 Td [-250 (3.3 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 317.5625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 285.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 274.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 264.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 253.8125 Td [(30) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 110.5 253.8125 Td [-250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 243.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 232.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 175.9375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 175.9375 Td [-250 (4. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 15.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 93.111 175.9375 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 143.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 341.375 143.3125 Td [( Fig. 4 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 371.132 143.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 132.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 122.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 111.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 9 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 294.998 36 Td [(3) ] TJ ET Q Q endstream endobj 27 0 obj > /ProcSet [/PDF /Text]>> /Type /Page /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] /Parent 1 0 R>> endobj 28 0 obj >> endobj 29 0 obj >> endobj 30 0 obj >> endobj 31 0 obj >> endobj 32 0 obj >> endobj 33 0 obj >> endobj 34 0 obj > stream q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 759.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 759.0625 Td [-250 (4.1 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 759.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 11.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 732.4375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 11.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 83.5 732.4375 Td [-250 (4.1.1) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 700.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 173.375 700.3125 Td [( H ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 186.206 700.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 687.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 687.8125 Td [(H=min\(H_top, 2.2xH_com\)) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 675.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 141.875 675.3125 Td [(H_top ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 170.75 675.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 433.25 675.3125 Td [(Fig. 4 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 460.382 675.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 664.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 268 664.8125 Td [(H_com ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 301.537 664.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 654.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 11.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 631.9375 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 11.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 83.5 631.9375 Td [-250 (4.1.2) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 599.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 225.875 599.8125 Td [( H ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 238.706 599.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 587.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 587.3125 Td [(30[cm] ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 274.0255 587.3125 Td [-250 (\)) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 574.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 574.8125 Td [(100[cm] ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 289.765 574.8125 Td [-250 (\)) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 562.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 562.3125 Td [(130[cm] ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 292.6945 562.3125 Td [-250 (\)) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 549.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 549.8125 Td [(160[cm] ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 138.074 549.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 379.574 549.8125 Td [( AdultSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 426.824 549.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 539.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 132 526.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 139.875 526.8125 Td [(H ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 132 514.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 160.875 514.3125 Td [-250 (130[cm] ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 201.699 514.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 491.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 491.0625 Td [-250 (4.2 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 491.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 458.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 458.8125 Td [( TeenSize ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 144.1955 458.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 333.1955 458.8125 Td [( 20 [kg] ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 369.0635 458.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 435.5625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 435.5625 Td [-250 (4.3 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 435.5625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 403.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 390.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 390.8125 Td [(1. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 390.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 182.875 390.8125 Td [( HxH/28 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 221.956 390.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 378.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 378.3125 Td [(2. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 378.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 361.375 378.3125 Td [( 2.5 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 379.75 378.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 365.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 365.8125 Td [(3. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 365.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 235.375 365.8125 Td [( 0.55xH ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 271.831 365.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 353.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 353.3125 Td [(4. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 353.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 361.375 353.3125 Td [-250 (1.2xH ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 392.581 353.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 342.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 330.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 330.3125 Td [(5. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 330.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 361.375 330.3125 Td [( 1.5xH ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 392.581 330.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 319.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 307.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 307.3125 Td [(6. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 307.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 172.375 307.3125 Td [( H_leg \() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 206.7835 307.3125 Td [-250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 261.9085 307.3125 Td [-250 (\) ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 270.655 307.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 281.155 307.3125 Td [( 0.35xH ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 296.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 284.3125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 284.3125 Td [(7. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 284.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 182.875 284.3125 Td [( H_head) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 218.155 284.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 333.655 284.3125 Td [( 0.05xH ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 273.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 214.5 273.8125 Td [(H_head ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 249.78 273.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 263.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 250.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 250.8125 Td [(8. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 250.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 240.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 217.0625 Td [() ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 72 217.0625 Td [-250 (4.4 ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F4 12.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 95.975 217.0625 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 92 184.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 99.875 184.8125 Td [(Humanoid League ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 180.3575 184.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 174.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 100 163.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 112 135.8125 Td [250 ] TJ ET Q q BT /F1 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 119.875 135.8125 Td [(1. ) ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 130.375 135.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 125.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 114.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 104.3125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F2 10.5 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 120 93.8125 Td [ ] TJ ET Q q BT /F3 9 Tf 0 Ts 0 Tr 294.


how to set cartridge overhang

MONO AND STEREO Ultra High-End Audio Magazine

MONO AND STEREO Ultra High-End Audio Magazine<link rel="shortcut icon" href="//www.blogblog.com/dynamicviews/78d4a64e6f9a542f/images/favicon.


how deep should tomato plants be planted

How to Plant Tomatoes – EB Stone

how can obtain tickets for the fa cup final 2012

Chelsea vs Birmingham City – FA Cup preview

Feb 17th, 2012 | By Aylesburyblue | Category: Blues News, Lead Article, Matches

This weekend the real Blues take their unbeaten 2012 record to those other Blues from London to see how the other half live.  This is really a game where we have nothing to lose.  Our worst case scenario is to get knocked out, have no extra games to play and get a big wad of cash that will help keep the wolf from the door.  The gate receipts from Stamford Bridge combined with the ESPN TV coverage will be welcome for a club in our position.  So basically we need to go there, enjoy the day and see what happens.  Last time I wrote that sentence was before a certain cup final this time last year so you never know.


top speed honda cbr954rr

engine build? - CBR Forum

yup, 1mm is all you can do with a bore.... it IS nikasil plated.

have you started searching for machine shops that do nikasil plating? there aren't too many... and from what i've found (because i am in the process of building a motor), you're looking at $65 or so per cyl for a bore, then another $175 to re-plate the nikasil. so figure around $950+ for that.

what DEWALT was talking about is a bore (more of a hone) that makes the cylinder round again and you use oversized rings... (it's for motors that have very bad piston slap - cyl walls are "egg shaped")


what does it mean to give the hairy eyeball

Big Boys at the Birdfeeder

I was wondering why the bird feeder was being emptied in a day.

Look at the pile of seed in that Jay's beak.

Usually they just work at the suet block.

They only manage to hang on this feeder a second or two, and probably as much falls on the ground as they carry off. 

 Not much gets wasted though, the rooster and a hen or two find their way over there to do some cleanup.

The blackbirds were in on it too


what is sevice

What is Silver Service? | Russia Making Connections

Silver service is the name given to a specific way of plating and serving meals, which is traditionally used in some more formal settings. Used in restaurants, anywhere with silver service will bypass the usual plating of food in the kitchen, and instead bring out the dishes of meat, vegetables, and all of the other components, on separate plates, to then serve up to the diners in the quantities they desire.

The rule with this way of serving is to always serve to the left. So the server, or host, will always serve the guest to their left first and then work around the table until everyone has their food. Many households have adapted serving to the left from this, and you will often find at family meals that any plates where guests help themselves will always go round the table clockwise.

how many carbs are in chicken breast?

Low Carb Swiss Chicken « Healthy Happy Mel



Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you've all had a fun day and are out doing something fun tonight!

Kev and I really don't want to fight the crowds or wait 2 hours to go to dinner (I know, we're party poopers.) So, we're going to get some takeout and go to a late night movie. Fun.


Well I'm still pluggin' away at the low carb stuff and I feel great! I really do. I haven't had too many cravings, which really really SHOCKS me! I seriously OD'ed on sugar last week and I was expecting MEGA withdrawals.

But even though I feel great, low carbin' is not my favorite thing to do. It is really hard and takes a lot of self discipline (which I lack at times!)

HOWEVER, I KNOW it is so so so good for me! When I'm doin' low carb, I eat less food and better quality food. Most of the processed foods out there have tons of carbs…..so they are off the list! It also takes more effort to prepare low carb food, so I find I'm not snacking as much. I think it's great. Also, my body just feels…..good. I can almost feel my blood sugar chillin. It's crazy.


The past couple of days I've had the same breakfast….just my favorite 4 egg white omelet with a side of low carb toast topped with peanut butter. It's yummy and filling!

A low carb diet severely limits the breakfast options. Pancakes, waffles…..nope. Cereal……..uh uh. Fruit……..um, no. Oatmeal……..dang. So….eggs it is!

I did have a yummy lunch today.


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Say NO to Aspartame: The 'Hidden' Danger (part five)

We have also seen how with proactive efforts of activists like Dr. Betty Martini and parents, schoolchildren were able to reverse their behavioral and learning conditions through changing school meal plans to a healthier nutrition free of "garbage" foods and beverages and snacks tainted with aspartame (APM) and artificial additives.

I could go on and on with endless studies and personal stories, but I chose to select just one drop from the ocean of data on APM, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other "dangerous" chemicals, found on the Internet. Such information is worthy of a book, considering the many symptoms and diseases caused by aspartame poisoning. Here is a variety of such illnesses: Birth defects, blindness, many types of cancers, heart disease, strokes, diabetes type 2, thyroid problems, weight gain, migraine and asthma. Moreover, aspartame can mimic the following disorders: Fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, lupus, joint pains, sexual dysfunctions, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), inability to concentrate and confusion, panic attacks and other psychological disorders.

After four articles of exposing to the reader the serious "adverse" effects of the chemical sugar substitute, aspartame, today I chose to present to you some of the different types of artificial and natural sweeteners found in the market. Here they are.

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Top Features Every Serger Should Have

For anyone wanting to sew their own clothing in a professional way, a serger sewing machine is just the tool to use. While standard sewing machines are ideal for most any sewing projects, sergers are made for many different decorative stitches and also provide beautiful finishing touches that make all sewn items look professionally made.

Whether it's for making fashion clothing and accessories or sewing a cute toy for children, serger sewing machines are an important investment, which is why finding a good machine is very important. In order to get the most value from a serger sewing machine purchase, there are specific features that must be examined to ensure the best machine for your needs.

First of all, anyone who is new to using a serger sewing machine will have to learn all of the different uses and functions it has.


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Discover The way to Find Cheap Flights for Students

Find cheap air tickets for Students.

Is it Possible to Get cheap airline tickets?

Most undoubtedly it is achievable to get inexpensive flights for students. You just need to know how to acquire these tickets and in which to search out them. Generally, if you try to purchase cheap flights for students straight from an airline, it could be tough. Some airlines would refer you to a travel agent, or would just tell you that college students get the identical rate as other passengers too based on their age. These days, you'll find a lot of teens and young adults learning abroad and they would should uncover ways on the best way to fly cheaper. Travel must be frequent for them; otherwise they would need to devote holidays and vacations in their rented apartment or dormitory. The only strategy to do that is by locating low cost flights for college students.

where to find cheap airline tickets: Check out StudentUniverse.com to get Low-cost Flights for College students

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New Island In Red Sea Forms During Eruption Of Underwater Volcano

By Natalie Wolchover, Life's Little Mysteries:

Earth's newest island is here to stay.

The island, a mound of lava and ash about 2,000 feet (600 meters) across, piled up during the eruption of an underwater volcano in the Red Sea in mid-December. It was initially suspected of being short-lived — most pileups of volcano debris in water quickly crumble back to the depths — but scientists say this one has solidified nicely.


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Casino Royale (1967) « KQEK.com (zippy Mobile edition)

Return to: Home / Soundtrack  Reviews / C


Rating: Excellent

Label: Kritzerland Records/ Released: January 18, 2011

Tracks & Album Length: 30 tracks / (69:31)


Special Notes: 8-page colour booklet with liner notes by Bruce Kimmel and Gergely Hubai / Limited to 1000 copies..


Composer: Burt Bacharach




While Charles K. Feldman's 'comedic' spin of the Bond franchise is regarded by series purists as an abomination, Burt Bacharach's music has lived on because of its audaciousness, and being tied to the gorgeous "Look of Love" song that may be the best tongue-in-cheek seduction song every written.

Dusty Springfield's heavy, breathy voice just drifts on and on, while Bacharach's lounge jazz instrumentation was not only close-miked, but recorded with maximum stereo fatness. The bass levels and resonance of Springfield's voice is remarkable, and it's one of several key ingredients that made the original Colgems LP a top collectible among audiophiles.

It's actually hard not to mention the old LP because the Colgem sound was so profound: beautifully engineered albums generally pressed on quality grade vinyl stock – something not all labels combined in their soundtrack releases (such as Paramount's cheap Dot).

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Planting a promise

Most of us know that Arbor Day is a holiday celebrated by planting trees.  The first Arbor Day was celebrated in Nebraska on April 19 1872 and an estimated million trees were planted that day. Arbor Day is now celebrated worldwide, though dates vary, of course, due to climate and other considerations. The best time for planting trees in Georgia is between November and mid-March so this year, Georgia's Arbor Day will be celebrated on February 17th.


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Why Engineers Don't Believe (in Peak Oil)


I recently attended a one week Oil & Gas conference in south Texas. There were about 350 people present almost all of them highly knowledgeable about the upstream and downstream industries. Moreover, a high percentage of the attendees were engineers and technical specialists. These people know the oil and gas industry both onshore and offshore.

As is normal, the conference was kicked off by a keynote speech from a senior executive. Not only is this person extremely well-informed about the energy and process industries, he is also open minded and willing to engage in new ideas and concepts. During his talk he noted that production of oil from existing wells is steadily declining (he used the phrase depletion never sleeps). He also noted that increasing world-wide demand for oil will lead to a shortfall of around 80 million barrels per day about two decades from now. What made this talk so interesting from my point of view is that it was taken for granted by both the speaker and the audience that new supplies of oil will make up for this shortfall, but no specifics as to how this was to be done were provided.

As far as I am aware I was the only person there who challenged the premise of the above speech. I wrote a short email to the executive. In it I referred to an article that had been published two months earlier by Kurt Cobb. The title of the article was Time to Worry: World Oil Production Finishes Six Years of No Growth. The article provides persuasive evidence that we are not going to find reserves that will generate 80 mmbpd two decades from now. Following my email we had a brief and friendly conversation but no minds were changed.

I have had similar experiences of non-comprehension of the Peak Oil problem from other colleagues, all of whom are intelligent, well-informed and generally flexible in their thinking. Moreover they are typically working on projects that result from our running out of oil in the easy places. The projects typically have one or more of the following features:

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Does The Moon Affect Fish?

Have you ever actually wondered if the moon has any influence on fish? And if so, specifically how this phenomenon functions? Very well, it does and in this post I'm going to do my finest to clarify how the moon impacts fish and fishing. Not merely that, but when you find the information helpful, I'll also present you with a means to uncover much more you may use this details for your advantage when fishing.Cheap Packers Jerseys

Don't be concerned, this stuff is just not rocket science (even though many people claim it is actually) plus the information and facts you need is usually acquired with about an hours value of research. The bottom line is the fact that the moon most unquestionably has an have an effect on on fish and this information can be accustomed to your benefit being a fisherman.jordan chicagos


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Cary Brothers

Cary Brothers is an indie rock American singer-songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee. Brothers is best known for the single Blue Eyes, which was featured on the soundtrack to the 2004 film, Garden State.[...]

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[You're My Favourite] Carrot Cake

You know he's a keeper when he sees a bakery and thinks of you.

or cake.

or unicorns.

But mostly, you know he's a keeper when he always lets you have the first bite of dessert. It's almost better than opening doors and pulling out chairs. And not noticing (or maybe he does, but decides to let you get away with it anyway) you always choose to start eating a cake from the sides because there's always more frosting there.

Today's one of those rare days I'm home alone. No one's doing anything else while I bask in the fact that it's only Saturday afternoon and already I feel productive. There isn't anyone on the phone, no one doing the ironing. It's just me, pigtails, Chrysanthemums in a vase, carrot cake in the oven the murmuring of the fan.

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Training Your Dog Has Never ever Been This Very simple Just before

Dogs have all kinds of training for numerous motives. Dogs will be trained being hunters, helpers, or even pleasant pets. No doubt, dogs are known for their desire to please. Their eagerness to please is a part of their appeal as pets. The following document enables you to learn how to adequately train your dog.

Often it really is essential to employ a pro. If your dog seems resistant in your training efforts, you might want to try a professionally-led class. An experienced professional trainer can understand what is incorrect with all the coaching and can help you correct it.


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Authorization Letter Sample » Sajtokollegium

Authorization letters can be popular to get company, health-related, insurance, loan, legal lady personalized aspects. Authorization letters good referred to as letter of the authorization, may be usually popular for you to grant a number of benefits as well as assign permission for you to an additional single to get a good deliver the results that need be done in your behalf. A muslim uncomplicated words, authorization letters may be popular for you to authorize an additional distinct in your behalf. Occasionally authorization letters will also be popular for you to authorize a new report or even legal representation or even usually actually to get a good health-related treatment. Also authorization letters am counted being a major element of the home business writing, usually the idea could possibly be popular to get personalized purpose enjoy authorizing a gardener for you to enter home within the afternoon and the female this house plants or even something with regards to the deliver the results. Prior to searching on different enterprise and the personalized authorization letter samples, communicate improved for you to very first understand primary authorization letter sample format.

Guidelines at Authorization Letter Format


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How to make a Wi-fi Network

Wireless network allows you to quickly promote your web gain access to and also printers, and media channels, easily with out wires. Starting a instant network is normally a breeze which is becoming increasingly very common to get this done in your own home or modest office. The beauty of instant network is you can add instant usefulness on your current network.

If you wish to use instant network you should have microsoft windows xp company pack 2 as a minimum. When this may not be totally necessary it can make things much simpler when linking to instant systems plus a number of safety measures troubles are actually set using this company pack

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Chevrolet Tahoe – History | Car Magazine & Automotive News

The Chevrolet Tahoe is a full sized SUV that is manufactured by General Motors. The Tahoe is very similar to the GMC Yukon, also made by GM. In the early 90′s Chevrolet and GMC brought to the market two different sized SUVs that are under the Blazer and Jimmy model names. But when the full-sized Jimmy was rebadged as the Yukon in 1992 the situation changed. Chevrolet waited until 1994, when they upgraded the mid-sized S-10 Blazer into a full-sized SUV and rebadged the new 4-door version of the Blazer as the Chevy Tahoe.


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Callus? Corn? Warts? Athlete's foot? What is on my toe?!?

Question by Melanie: Callus? Corn? Warts? Athlete's foot? What is on my toe?!?
It started out as a hard bump on the bottom of my big toe, like a callus or corn, about 3 months ago. And it was quite painful when any pressure was put to it. I've tried the liquid and paper disk callus and corn removers and they did nothing. I tried cutting it off with manicure scissors but it just grew right back. Now there are a bunch of them, maybe 8, of all different sizes.

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Gold Jewelry | Scrap Gold Jewelry Vs. Gold Coins: How To Get The Best Gold Prices » Jewelry Diamonds

By Michael McConnell

In the current economic climate, many people in possession of scrap gold jewelry and gold coins are looking for ways to get the best gold prices and convert unused precious metals into ready cash. And while there are plenty of websites and buyers ready and willing to pay quickly for all forms of gold, it is important for sellers to understand the difference between scrap and collectible or gold bullion products " as well as the significant variation in purchase price that comes with approaching the right buyer in the first place. By consulting an experienced rare coins dealer and familiarizing one's self with the difference in gold content and selling format between gold jewelry and gold coins, sellers can learn how to make the greatest possible profit and avoid losses at the hands of misleading buyers.


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How do plants and animals adapt to their environment?

Level: Primary/Intermediate

We often get asked how particular animals (such as the megazostrodon and the tuatara) adapted to their environments. Here are some websites we like about animal adaptation.

A good place to start is Suzy's Fact Sheets, from Suzy's World. Have a look down the list for the word 'Evolution' and click on it to read more.

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Volunteer to Help Area High School Students Complete FAFSA

January 30th, 2012 · No Comments
DDCE Co-sponsorship · Events · News · Staff News

Help students get to college by helping area high school students fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Through a program organized by the Austin Chamber of Commerce, area high schools participate in Financial Aid Saturdays during the months of February and March. Community volunteers help students submit applications to secure the financial aid they may need at these scheduled Financial Aid Saturdays events.


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Last World News: Hot! Kings Island

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Kings Island is definitely an theme park of which is located throughout Cincinnati , Ohio . It could be the following most widely used Planet Snoopy , family members rides, Boomerang Bay , shows and dining. The Kings Island park will be available through April to the final with October yearly.

The buzz flights at Kings Island include six Challenge Diamondback roller coaster and that is tall as well as challenging, the Beast which is the longest wood made roller coaster ride inside world, the actual Firehawk , Flight associated with Fear , Invertigo and also .

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County planners review Cape Vincent's wind-energy moratorium

Watertown Daily Times | County planners review Cape Vincent's wind-energy moratorium


A 7-month moratorium on all wind energy projects in the town of Cape Vincent took another step toward becoming a reality on Tuesday afternoon.

The Jefferson County Planning Board reviewed the proposed town-wide moratorium and sent it back to the town as a local concern.


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Sorry, That Page Was Not Found On Quibblo

Sorry we couldn't find what you were looking for. This could happen if:

  • You tried to view a quiz that has been deleted.
  • You entered an invalid URL, or mis-typed the URL.
  • You followed a link from another site that used a bad URL.

But hopefully we can help you find what you want.

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I Post MW3 Commentary videos to youtube. I never get any comments/likes/subs?


First of all, my channel is at http://www.YouTube.com/Salurthur

I've been posting HD Modern Warfare 3 Commentarys for about a month now. I Have around 140 subscribers, but that's all because of one video that someone got a lot of views back in May. I never get any Subscribers, Barely any Likes & Comments. I Make creative, High Quality videos with a $200 capture card i received for Christmas.


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Power Supply current limiting ???

Hi,? I'm extremely rusty with my electronics so please be patient. I'm trying to create a high v power supply for my friend ... the load of which can vary from 0.1 ohms to 4 ohms !

I've got the basic bridge rectifier and filter concept (see attachment) , but I'm struggling with getting the right values to produce a smooth voltage when under such a huge load.


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How To: Make An Outdoor Awning

This is our third one, and each time they get a little better. We built this awning off of the barn we live out of in the summer time. It's very simple and very cheap to make AND it works very well. If you want to put up a quick and easy shade awning, this basic design can be adapted to work in many situations...

To start we bought a regular cotton painter's dropcloth from the hardware store along with:

100 ft of nylon clothesline,
4 carabiners,
2 O rings on plates
2 pulleys
1 bottle of Gorilla Glue

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Make an Animated GIF in Seconds

one of our most beloved software titles a few years ago—back when animated GIFs were still cool—was Jasc's Animation Shop. In just a few clicks you could make an entire GIF from pre-existing frames. It was like magic. But, Corel bought Jasc, and Animation Shop became a casualty of acquisition.

While not as advanced as our beloved Animation Shop, we have found a way to make an animated GIF just as simply with an website called GifGear.

Click Add Frame at the top of the page to start your GIF.


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The Lure of the Red Herring


About 12 years ago, in the early days of World Wide Words, I wrote a puzzled piece about the origin of red herring, something that distracts attention from the real issues. A study of the entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, coupled with a little knowledge of fox hunting and some reading around the topic, made me wonder if the usual story about its origin was correct.

All the dictionaries and reference books I consulted argued that the metaphor grew up because a red herring was dragged along the ground to confuse a scent. In the 1997 edition of Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins, Robert Hendrickson firmly asserts that "Escaping criminals in the 17th century would drag strong-smelling red herring across a trail to make pursuing blood-hounds lose the scent". Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, and many dictionaries, say that red herrings were used to confuse the hounds chasing a fox. What is left unsaid is any clue to who was supposed to be laying this false trail, or why. Was an early group of hunt saboteurs at work? In the half dozen books on aspects of the history of fox hunting that I searched out, there was no reference to the use of a red herring to lay a false scent.

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10 Topics and a Blogger Face Lift.

I've been working on updating my blog layout, but I don't know as much as I would like to know about web design. So please have patience with me while I'm trying to do some redesigning!
I'm hoping one of my friends will help me out with some ideas I have in my head, but we'll see how that goes!

I love to read your comments, and I love interacting with everyone, so I am going to list 10 random topics that I would love to talk about with everyone.

1. Since I've had the Urban Decay Naked Palette, I haven't found anything that works as a base to keep it from not creasing on me- even Urban Decay Primer Potion isn't working. I've never had this problem with any other eyeshadows, ever! What gives? Got any suggestions? Is this happening to anyone else out there?


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Zwj ze Skelos: Seminarium "Class Design"

Dzi drugi dzie D&D XP. Na pytania odpowiadali Monte Cook, Bruce Crodell i Robert Schwalb. Tematem gwnym byo podejcie do klas w nowej edycji. Zapis znajdziecie poniej. Na jutro zapowiadany jest szczeglnie mnie interesujcy panel, powicony linii wydawniczej. Wreszcie bdziemy mieli troch wicej konkretw.

Greg: Do you want to talk about some of the ways that this could be accomplished?

Comment From Markelhay
Classes should be less complex than 4E, but you should be able to choose a more complex character. For example, I could build a fighter who just upgrades his basic attack, and has a few powerful "special" attacks. My friend could also build a fighter, but have a variety of powers.
Comment From Tony
I think players should be able to run either complex or simple versions of the same class
Monte: Sure. So for example, if your fighter goes up a level and would normally get some bonus damage or a bonus to hit, or something simple, then maybe instead you could choose to replace that with an option or options that allow you to do some cool moves that allow you to push people around, or protect your allies a bit more, or control the battlefield a little more.
Rob: Even in the core you varying levels of complexity within each class. Even the wizard has a base starting point that is less complex than what you can get into if you opt into some of the options.
Comment From Guest
I like the variant of complexity between essentials fighters up through the maybe even 3.5 wizards. Being a dm I get players that like the simplicity of an essentials fighter (but not too disinteresting like the 3.5 fighter) but I see people that want to build classes that are very complex even if they can't make them too powerful.
Comment From Justin
I think they hit it on the head with the knight and slayer - they just need both those options from the start!

Comment From ExtendedRets
Sounds like the difference between Essentials Fighter (Knight) and Original 4e Fighter (Weaponmaster). I liked the different feel they both had.
Greg: This conversation leads into the talk of balance. Is it important that classes are equally balanced? And how does that look - would that focus on damage output and number crunching?
Monte: (Joking) The assassin, the wizard, and the warlock should all just be better than everything else.
Comment From TheCrankyMage
Different classes should have different inherent complexities. What Monte suggests is something that was brought on using kits, prestige classes, or paragon paths, but the "core" of a fighter is still the guy swinging the sword.
Bruce: We definitely want the classes to be balanced, though having things exactly mathematically balanced isn't always the goal. Different classes or different play styles will shine at different moments, though of course we want everyone to be able to contribute in the common situations like combat.
Comment From Sean
Balance is a matter of opinion. High Level Wizards should outshine everyone. They paid for it at low levels.
Comment From andy
I think its less about who has the best numbers and more about who has the most answers.
Comment From Roguewolf
I love the idea of making classes as simple or complex as you want it. Themes help with this a little.
Bruce: If the fighter is 100% damage for example, then maybe this other class is 80% damage/combat and 20% exploration, or some other mix of game elements.
Rob: You may look at a class and see that it's damage output isn't as high as another class, for example maybe the bard doesn't do as much as raw damage as the fighter. That other class will have other options, like charm person or something that fits into that class's niche and will give that class different options, but still equally useful in combat, exploration, or roleplaying.
Comment From Ben
Sorcerers should definitely come out on top. What they do, it's in their blood!
Greg: Where do you start with your design when approaching the next edition. Are you looking at all of the classes, or a specific edition version?
Monte: To start with we kind of shot at the moon, and said everything that's been in a Player's handbook 1, we want to potentially have in our new player's book. That includes things like the warlock and the warlord from 4th edition, but also includes the classes from other editions like the ranger, the wizard, the cleric.
Monte: Going along those lines we seperated things along the lines of what's common or uncommon. So for example fighters, clerics, wizards and clerics might be commmon while warlocks fall into uncommon and something like the assassin might be rare. This helps DMs determine what options they want to run in there games as well.
Bruce: It also might be the case that some of the classes labeled rare might be a bit more complex or difficult to pick up, so players could also have a gauge with how they want to pick their classes.
Comment From ilzarion
Power is subjective. Even the most powerful lich should have weak spots. Its just good fantasy that way.
Greg: What's been the most challenging class to build?


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Picasso Exhibit Shines at de Young

Pablo Picasso
Two Brothers, 1906
Gouache on paperboard, 80 x 59 cm
Muse National Picasso, Paris, MP7
de Young Museum . Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

(I've said it a thousand times and I'm not gonna stop. Thank god art is gluten free; a feast for the eyes every time.)


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Home Inspection Software for the Latest Devices

It is an exciting time in the home inspection industry with technology now playing such an important role. Home inspection software is utilizing the very latest in technology and home inspectors are reaping the benefits. Below is a list of some of the key benefits of using a smartphone or tablet pc in the field for creating home inspection reports.

An Abundance of Choices

Home inspectors are now able to use their home inspection software on the latest smartphones and tablets that run on iOS and Android operating systems. this gives them a huge selection of hardware to choose from for field use. this is important because they can find something that truly works well for them and fits their inspection style.

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Limiting choice ineffective in curbing obesity |

The reasoning is that that junk food is not coming from the schools.

'Schools only represent a small portion of children's food environment," said Jennifer Van Hook, the sociology professor who led the study.

This is not to suggest childhood obesity is not a health concern, particularly in North America.


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A Bit of a Set Back...

So there has been a bit of a set back. I attended another Animal Control Advisory Board meeting last night and a couple of issues have arisen.

1) The USDA (or was it the MDA?) is in the process of changing a regulation in Michigan that requires all livestock to have identification ear tags (and not just animals being imported into Michigan) in order to keep records on disease such as scrapie (the version of mad-cow that goats and sheep can get). In addition, entities such as the Ingham County animal shelter will be required to slaughter any un-tagged goats they pick up.

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I/O Devices - Planning and Housing

January 24, 2012 by Monica

The restless advancement brought by technologies forces us into studying the indicating of your new factors we use each day of your I/O products. What exactly are individuals? Allow s see
In this contemporary environment, practically controlled by personal computers, men and women had to occur up using a total set of new words for every thing our personal computers are created of. I bet it wasn t that simple, but for sure it is rather challenging for your ordinary consumer to have a clue as pozycjonowanie stron to what several of them signify.
This post tries to enlighten at the very least 1, which can be I/O. I/O is surely an abbreviation of INPUT and OUTPUT. I/O can be a assortment of interfaces that diverse models of an operational processing system utilized to talk to each other. Inputs will be the signals obtained by individuals models, even though outputs will be the sent signals. I/O products are used by men and women, or by other methods to talk with the laptop. Commonly we simply call these outputs benefits plus they can be dealt with to men and women, or may be used for guiding some other devices and robots.