
What Kind Of Electricity Is Voltage With No Current?

what kind of electricity is voltage with no current?

Power Supply current limiting ???

Hi,? I'm extremely rusty with my electronics so please be patient. I'm trying to create a high v power supply for my friend ... the load of which can vary from 0.1 ohms to 4 ohms !

I've got the basic bridge rectifier and filter concept (see attachment) , but I'm struggling with getting the right values to produce a smooth voltage when under such a huge load.

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Also I want to limit the DC output so that as the current starts to get up to 13 A it gradually shuts down the voltage and current as shown in the attachment.

The challenges are

Removing ripple with high DC voltage (320 V) and low load
ensuring the input AC current does not rise above 20A
The extremely low load (0.

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