
How Do Remove Corn From My Toe?

how do remove corn from my toe?

Callus? Corn? Warts? Athlete's foot? What is on my toe?!?

Question by Melanie: Callus? Corn? Warts? Athlete's foot? What is on my toe?!?
It started out as a hard bump on the bottom of my big toe, like a callus or corn, about 3 months ago. And it was quite painful when any pressure was put to it. I've tried the liquid and paper disk callus and corn removers and they did nothing. I tried cutting it off with manicure scissors but it just grew right back. Now there are a bunch of them, maybe 8, of all different sizes.
Dr. Scholl's Corn Removers, 9-Count Packages (Pack of 8)
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Some look like water filled blisters but are not, they're the same hard bump. Could it be some sort of athlete's foot? Warts? Same random obscure disease that will make my toe turn green and fall off (lol just kidding, I know its not that bad) How do I get rid of them?

Best answer:

Be Natural Callus Eliminator
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Answer by latinosocal
Unfortunately it sound like you have a plantar wart. This would cause this discomfort and pain since it would be like stepping on something hard. There are plantar wart removal pads that stick to the bottom of the foot sold in pharmacy's or if the problem is really bad, you may have to have A doctor remove them.

Don't file them because that may be causing the wart to spread to other parts of your foot.

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