What Adaptations To Plants To Survive
what adaptations to plants to survive
How do plants and animals adapt to their environment?
Level: Primary/Intermediate
We often get asked how particular animals (such as the megazostrodon and the tuatara) adapted to their environments. Here are some websites we like about animal adaptation.
A good place to start is Suzy's Fact Sheets, from Suzy's World. Have a look down the list for the word 'Evolution' and click on it to read more.
Would You Survive?: Animal and Plant Adaptation (Raintree Fusion)Learn more
John Townsend
HOT TIP: Remember, if you are not sure what a word means, try using Google as a dictionary. The trick is to type the word define: (with the colon) in front of the word you want to define, then click Search. E.g. if you wanted to define the word adaptation, your search would be define: adaptation. This searches for all the meanings on the web that define your word.
For students of all ages, check out How Stuff Works. This website explains how almost everything works! To find out what adaptation means and how it works:
How Plants Survive (Sci Link) (Science Links)Learn more
Kathleen V. Kudlinski
- Click on the tab 'Science' along the top of the page.
- Next click on 'Science Dictionary'.
- Now click on 'Biology Terms' in the grey box on the left hand side. We want biology because it is the study of living things.
- Click on 'See More'.
- Now find 'Adaptation'. It should be right at the top of the results because all the topics are arranged alphabetically.
If you are looking for New Zealand based information, like how different plants and animals have adapted to live in New Zealand's unique environment, then Te Ara is a very useful website.
- Click on 'The Bush'. We want this section because it has information on all the plants and animals of New Zealand.
- Now click on 'Understanding the Natural World'.
- Next is 'Evolution of Plants and Animals'.
HOT TIP: For more information, check out our entry on Tuatara Adatations.
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